Nicole Richie and Harlow escaping from LAX...

Nicole Richie and her lil baby Harlow are seen here trying to elude the paparazzi by leaving terminal 7 through an alternate route. Too bad for everybody waiting for her on the outside. Since I was lucky enough to be on the inside of the terminal I was able to snap this exclusive photo of mom and child as they were hurried through the crowds and whisked away from the bank of paparazzi that had assembled outside in hopes of catching them on film.
Although this photograph wasn't one of my best. I still enjoyed watching the behind the scenes attempt of a star trying to avoid photographers. I still don't understand why they don't want to be photographed. As you can see here, it impossible to really avoid being photographed once people like myself have made up our minds to do just that. All I have to say to Nicole is "Gotchya!" And, what I'd like to have said to her lil baby who seems to be looking right at me as they passed, "Whats up Harlow!"

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