I know that LAX is an airport, but it looks like Kanye West and his country posse just hopped off the turnip truck. How can he rap about being gangster when he rolls with a gang of retards. No wonder he's so angry.

Look at these two bumpkin fashionistas following Kanye with their Louis Vuittan luggage. You have to laugh at these guys. They love to criticize "White America" and then they have the nerve to buy into it. They're walking contradictions.


And Kanye, a legend in his own mind. Even though he broke the camera of defenseless paparazzi the media is still taking his photograph because in the United States we have the freedom of the press. So if you don't like it, too bad. Asshole!

Kanye's bodyguard looks so tough in his "give-away" t-shirt. Tie your shoes and gimme a break!
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