Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo head to the "Big Apple"

Keeping up with Rashida Jones

Our Imagehounds caught up with the Jones' on the streets of Pasadena, CA as she was getting pampered by the make-up artists. We're also looking forward to seeing her in I love you man
where she plays Paul Rudds love interest.
where she plays Paul Rudds love interest.
Ashley Tisdale arriving at LAX...
Elton John and Billy Joel perform "Face to Face"

I've been Amy Poehlerized

Shark City Premiere — Vivica Fox!
Last night was the Premiere of the movie "Shark City." The cast was there and the event was hosted by Vivica A Fox who also stars in the movie. The red carpet glittered with stars and it was nice to see so many familiar faces.

Selma Blair strolling through the airport

I guess when you're future is so bright you have to wear shades, right?
Thanks Selma. Enjoy your flight and I can't wait to see you again.
Nicole Richie and Harlow escaping from LAX...
Nicole Richie and her lil baby Harlow are seen here trying to elude the paparazzi by leaving terminal 7 through an alternate route. Too bad for everybody waiting for her on the outside. Since I was lucky enough to be on the inside of the terminal I was able to snap this exclusive photo of mom and child as they were hurried through the crowds and whisked away from the bank of paparazzi that had assembled outside in hopes of catching them on film.
Although this photograph wasn't one of my best. I still enjoyed watching the behind the scenes attempt of a star trying to avoid photographers. I still don't understand why they don't want to be photographed. As you can see here, it impossible to really avoid being photographed once people like myself have made up our minds to do just that. All I have to say to Nicole is "Gotchya!" And, what I'd like to have said to her lil baby who seems to be looking right at me as they passed, "Whats up Harlow!"
Drew Brrymore arriving at LAX

Ah, Drew. There aren't many stars that I really want to photograph, but Drew Barrymore has alway been one of my favorite actors in Hollywood. Even if she did marry Tom Green. So I was really happy when I got information that she was going to be landing in Los Angeles at LAX. My agency had told me that even though I knew where she was going to be, it didn't mean that it was going to be easy to take her photograph. Everybody said she hates paparazzi and if she sees me with a camera she's going to run, hide her face or call the cops. That just made it even more exciting to try and take her picture. So I arrived at LAX anxious to get her into frame without her seeing me. Thats the best part, taking her picture without her even knowing that I'm there.

Denise Richards — Dancing with a star!

Krysten Ritter waiting on her 27 dresses at LAX

Orlando Bloom — Sympathy For Delicious

The most interesting part of the day was waiting under the cover of a doorway with four other photographers while the rain came down. It was my first encounter with other "paps" and it turned into an opportunity to hear them talk and share stories about other stars that they had covered over the years. A Brazilian photographer who works for the infamous photo agency X17 told me great stories about chasing Britney Spears and photographing her on the day that she shaved her head. Awesome. Two other photographers in their early twenties shared their red-carpet experiences and how they loved to sneak into all of the after parties to take pictures. Each story ended the same way. "It was fun until we got kicked out."
Gordon Ramsey on set at Hell's Kitchen...

To me the funny thing was, Gordon Ramsey's body guard. He was some goon that took his job way too seriously and shielded Gordon as if he were guarding the crown jewels. The over-sized oaf actually tried to intimidate me but knowing this guy would never lay a hand on me in a public setting, I didn't flinch an inch when he stepped towards me with an angry look on his face. I was right. He called hotel security to escort me out of the Bonaventure hotel, but before anybody arrived, I saw myself out.

Imagehounds shooting stars
This imagehounds blog will chronicle my experience of photographing celebrities in the Hollywood and Los Angeles metro area. Although the art of photojournalism which describes the act of collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast is quickly redefined once the camera is focused on celebrities and renamed "Paparazzi", I refuse to give into being labeled a paparazzo since my photography is not about the celebrity, but rather a documentation of my own experience and life as a photographer living in the Hollywood and Los Angeles area.
Before turning my camera towards celebrities I had been taking photographs for most of my life, but the subject matter was more personal and resembled the normal, everyday, average photographs that have been taken by just about every other person living on this planet. It lacked the thrill and fun factor of photographing a subject that was more elusive, recognizable and more sought after like a celebrity.
So on one sunny afternoon in late January I made a decision to go out and take my first photograph of a celebrity and headed into the heart of Los Angeles with no information or plan other than to sit outside one of Hollywood's official watering-holes of every celebrity, "The Ivy" on Robertson Blvd. This ritzy boulevard has been the location for many famous star sightings and it was my hope that this day would be no different. After a few hours of sitting in the hot sun I decided that it might be necessary to drive throughout the area in hopes of finding a film production on the streets that would likely have a star on the set. Jackpot!
Even though I'm terrible at face recognition it was clear to me that the hot blond in the center of the set was famous. It happened to be Lauren Conrad, the star of the hit series "The Hills" and "The O.C." The best part about being a celebrity photographer is that you don't have to be a fan of the person that you are photographing. Personally I couldn't care less who she was. I just wanted to take her picture and so began my career of photographing celebrities. Of course it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, there were unknowns such as over-protective production assistants and body guards that are always trying to either prevent or deter photographers from getting a shot of their subjects. And, not to mention other photographers who are so competitive that they will go to any means to get a picture. The only rule to photographing a person is that they have to be in a public place where privacy is not an expectation. This is covered by our first amendment of the constitution which guarantees the freedom of speech and media.
Undeterred by the production crew guarding the film set who continuously told me that photography was not allowed, I focused my camera and shot as many frames as possible of Lauren as she sat filming her scene on the public streets of Los Angeles. In all, I took over thirty-five frames of Lauren. Half of them were of her as she sat filming, and the other half were of her walking in the street after filming had ceased. By this time other photographers had joined me and the sound of shutters clicking frames of the star filled the air. It was exciting.
I came home and uploaded the images that I had captured and quickly email a photo-agency that I had previously contacted about accepting my photographs. I was surprised when the agency quickly responded and ask for every frame that I had taken. Shortly after sending them my photographs I was asked to meet with the agency to sign a contract to be paid and asked to join thier team. It was all a bit strange, since some photographers have this ambition to a part of a worldwide agency, and I had achieved this goal in only one short day. Then, what surprised me even more was the news that my photograph of Lauren Conrad had been sold to US Weekly magazine and printed in the next issue.
Before turning my camera towards celebrities I had been taking photographs for most of my life, but the subject matter was more personal and resembled the normal, everyday, average photographs that have been taken by just about every other person living on this planet. It lacked the thrill and fun factor of photographing a subject that was more elusive, recognizable and more sought after like a celebrity.
So on one sunny afternoon in late January I made a decision to go out and take my first photograph of a celebrity and headed into the heart of Los Angeles with no information or plan other than to sit outside one of Hollywood's official watering-holes of every celebrity, "The Ivy" on Robertson Blvd. This ritzy boulevard has been the location for many famous star sightings and it was my hope that this day would be no different. After a few hours of sitting in the hot sun I decided that it might be necessary to drive throughout the area in hopes of finding a film production on the streets that would likely have a star on the set. Jackpot!
Even though I'm terrible at face recognition it was clear to me that the hot blond in the center of the set was famous. It happened to be Lauren Conrad, the star of the hit series "The Hills" and "The O.C." The best part about being a celebrity photographer is that you don't have to be a fan of the person that you are photographing. Personally I couldn't care less who she was. I just wanted to take her picture and so began my career of photographing celebrities. Of course it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, there were unknowns such as over-protective production assistants and body guards that are always trying to either prevent or deter photographers from getting a shot of their subjects. And, not to mention other photographers who are so competitive that they will go to any means to get a picture. The only rule to photographing a person is that they have to be in a public place where privacy is not an expectation. This is covered by our first amendment of the constitution which guarantees the freedom of speech and media.
Undeterred by the production crew guarding the film set who continuously told me that photography was not allowed, I focused my camera and shot as many frames as possible of Lauren as she sat filming her scene on the public streets of Los Angeles. In all, I took over thirty-five frames of Lauren. Half of them were of her as she sat filming, and the other half were of her walking in the street after filming had ceased. By this time other photographers had joined me and the sound of shutters clicking frames of the star filled the air. It was exciting.

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